SWP Housing Committee
11.10.16 Meeting Minutes

Attendees: George Kleb, Nancy McCormick, Jamie Pitts, Michael Seipp, Diana Geis, Suzanne Welch,
Dorothy Page, Lou Packett, Beverly Jacobs, Jarret Horst (author)
 Introduction
 Presentation of “Lease to Purchase – Franklin Square/Mount Clair” by George Kleb
o See attached document for details
o Jamie asked at what point the impacted communities are engaged in plans of this type.
George responded outreach should/would be conducted when the details of the plan
and financing are secured.
o Attached is the presentation provided by George.
 “Property Rights Handbook” review by Diana
o Brochure should either be edited to remove specific names of government
representatives (congress, etc.) or will be subject to needing regular revisions.
o Jamie stated that the contact information for immediate/emergent issues (311, 911,
etc.) remain largely unchained.
o Jamie raised the question of what a two way communication strategy might look like.
Social media presence? George suggested the School of Social work may be an good
partner for such an effort.
 La Cite update by Michael
o TIF Hearing – bond sale of 12MM for Phase 1A was approved pending financing.
o Next Deadline – Next deadline Feb 16th at which point proof of financing must be
o Poppleton Planning effort – Poppleton leadership is establishing a response proposal in
the event that LC is unable to secure funding. Planning meeting scheduled for Jan 18th.
o Dr. Otis Cutler – has approached Michael about opportunities for collaboration. Michael
has directed him to the Poppleton community which can circle back to the Housing
Committee if so desired.

 1000 W Fayette Street Update by Michael – a performance bond has been requested of the
developer. This seems to be a new addition to the City requirements. Concerns exist over the
structural soundness of the property.
 1015 W Baltimore Street Zoning Hearing by Michael – Tonya Camiparris, a DC developer
expressed interest in joining the Housing Committee. She is proposing four residential units and
her personal office in the building. She has expressed interest in meeting with Hollins
Roundhouse and the Committee to discuss this effort.
 1020 W Pratt Street update (old envelope factory) – under contract with Walter Skayhan;
closing has been delayed. Interest in fitting out for tech companies.
 Pigtown 2017 Housing Development Cluster by Michael – 33 vacants over 4 blocks

 Win to Life Community Development Corporation (CDC) by Michael (Franklin Square) –
Celebration Church in Franklin Square at the corner of Monroe and Saratoga Streets is
interested in development around the church. Request for Proposal (RFP) for developers is in
the work, hope to issue in early December.
 Jamie encouraged the group to engage their community organizations with the two following
o What is your vision for housing in your cluster?
o What are your Average Median Incomes (AMI) targets?
 New Business:
o Lou has identified 24 properties adjacent to the Win to Life block and stated there is
interest in a joint venture between the W2L CDC and the Franklin Square organization.
o Dotie stated that the city has responded to trash complaints at Sarah Ann street.

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