Southwest Partnership

Vibrant Streets and Public Safety Committee Joint Meeting

May 24th 2018


Dan Rodenburg

Rich Shores

Ivan Leshinsky

Babette Leshinsky

Khandra Sears

Diana Geis

Nancy McCormick

Christine Verdin

Jose Reyes

Meghan Cardoso

Quincy Goldsmith

Dan Morrison

Dotie Page

Elizabeth Weber

JR Lee

Scott Kashnow

Donnell Nance

Erika Brockman

Thomas Hams

Warhorse Cities CDC Presentation of Streetscaping Plan

Jim Mills: First meeting to begin having a conversation about vision plan for the streetscape around Hollins Market.

Groundswell out of Philadelphia design firm engaged. Goal is to bring the neighborhood back out onto the street. Focused on design elements that could have an immediate impact.

Focused on Hollins St corridor and east-west traffic—not primarily on W Baltimore St.

Trees—different types of planters, street trees, planters

Hollins, Arlington, Poppleton identified as major streets. Developed a sample plan for the 1000 block. Ideas include parklet in parking spaces, artist painted themed trash cans, planters long the street, pole lighting, lights strung between trees, mini lights in street trees.

James McHenry school site is a key location to encourage walking along Hollins St. Having good conversations with Baltimore City Public Schools and Principal Turk. Would like to take down current fence and re-fence the property. Still in the Baltimore City plan for Hollins to be a bike boulevard. Open the space up n each end, have lit gateways between tree plantings, painted thuroughway/ground mural

They are referring to the Hollins Market parking lot as Hollins Square. Co-use is an important concept around parking lots—want to see community used and programming around the parking lot. Warhorse will control the parking lot as part of their contract with the city and will do what they can to make it more efficient. Will connect new entrance of the market, and could potentially have the Carrollton St properties have pop-up shop space opening onto the parking lot. Will also look into doing alley gating. Looking into doing programming around Arabbers, chess tournament, farmers market, etc.

Wayfinding: theme along the street, also north and south along Arlington, signs similar street furniture etc. Could be a gateway at MLK, neighborhood map posted in different locations, neighborhood signage. Potential neighborhood gateways are at Pratt and Arlington, Carey, near B&O, Baltimore and Poppleton

Goal is to engage community in conversation about each site, and then will work out the implementation plan.  Expectation that this will become a series of meetings as more specifics are worked out.

Comments and Questions

Concerns about James McHenry space at night because it is not used at night. Gates are not currently locked, have discussed possibilities including moving the fence location between the school and the play area. Continuing to work with the school and the principal. JR suggested an emergency call box that would call the university police, especially with the UMB Community Engagement Center being on the James McHenry campus.

Talking with UMB about better lighting at W Baltimore St and MLK

Trying to figure out where the funding will come from

May see testing over the summer with planned concerts

Aren’t at the point of planning cameras yet

Need to improve crossing across MLK—having better pedestrian bike crossing and gateway signage

Primarily looking at Hollins because that’s where the developer has properties, opportunity to connect where neighborhoods meet.

Have been talking to Pigtown Main Street about streetscaping along Washington Blvd

Are they actively seeking to partner with other plans and ideas for the whole area? Yes, this is the first step. Want plans to coordinate.

What is primary vision for getting folks to cross MLK and get to the market? Haven’t focused on that yet, believe Biopark is.

There’s a lot of development happening in Poppleton that could attract customers to the Market.

Four concerts this summer, going to start organizing other events in the community.

Discussed traffic calming and street narrowing and better signage along Hollins and Carrolton

Shared designs of Carlton and Booth St properties—could add addition for start ups and incubator space (9 S Carlton). Infill residential planned along Hollins and Arlington. 3 story, 15’ wide rowhouse. Is there going to be any green space? One lot left. Are going to build something that looks contemporary. Will be same height as surrounding buildings.


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