
Elizabeth Weber

Jane Buccheri

Abigail Breiseth

Lou Packett

Karen Kopp

Laura Dykes

Dotie Page

Jane Mayrer

Edith Gilliard Canty


Camille Givens Patterson

Felecia McCray

Cynthia Poindexter

Community School Updates

Work continues to share resources and and connect family members with food and resources. Working to recruit families at Charles Carroll Barrister who might be in need of food resources as there is a food distribution for families in Pigtown funded by the South Baltimore Gateway Partnership. Coordinators are looking into constructive activities for children over the summer.


Coordinators have also identified a need for access to healthy food/produce. Lou suggested First Fruit Farms as an opportunity for young people to be involved in the harvesting of food and bringing it back to the neighborhoods.


SWP is hiring for a community school coordinator at Steuart Hill. The application deadline is June 21st.


Community Calls Updates

Committee members have been making calls to community groups and leaders asking them to reach out to their constituents to find out what they need and where there are gaps in resources and services. We will need to follow up with the folks called to determine what needs they see and what needs to be done to fill those gaps.


On July 1 the Workforce Development Committee will be hosting Associated Black Charities who will be making a presentation on racial equity work they are doing with businesses and organizations in the area. Abigail would like to encourage education committee members to attend in order to. 


SWP Communications Committee: the SWP Board has started a communications committee–it is a governance committee rather than a program committee so there will not be a board seat. Abigail would like to encourage committee members who are interested in community outreach and engagement to consider participating in this new committee.


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