
Dan Rodenburg

Helena Willis

Christine Verdin

Elizabeth Weber

Chesapeake Bay Trust Grant Opportunity: The Committee discussed an upcoming grant opportunity from the Chesapeake Bay Trust that would provide funding for environmental education activities that would allow us to expand the anti-littering campaign. The Committee will apply for funding for a series of events in the spring that would include arts activities, environmental education, storm drain painting, and opportunities for community members to enter their blocks in a clean block competition. The blocks will be judged on cleanliness over the course of a month, and the winning block will receive a block party at the end of the program.

B&O Museum Master Plan: The B&O Museum presented a summary of their Master Plan this Monday. There weren’t a lot of details but it was clear that there hadn’t been a lot of community engagement or willingness to consider the community’s priorities around increasing positive activity along the B&O’s property along the first mile of rail, making safe and official crossings to Carroll Park from the north, and in general better connecting the museum to the community. The Committee should be aware of these issues as the Vision Plan outlines goals for this area of the neighborhoods that fall under the Committee.

Community Clean Up Updates: Next community clean up July 28th 9-12 at Modell Park in Poppleton. Neighbors will meet at the park and take supplies to clean their own blocks.

Small Neighborhood Grants: Next round closes September 1st–more information on website. Encourage everyone to apply!

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