12/8/16 SWP Housing Committee Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Edieh Gilliard, Lou Packett, J.R., Jarret Horst (minutes author), Daniel Rodenberg, George
Kleb, Bill Joyner, Dorothy (Dottie) Paige, Jon Bradley, Emmanuel, Robert Meyer, Diana Geis, Suzanne
Core Updates: announcements formally made tomorrow. None of the initiatives discussed with this
committee were funded. However, the SWP will receive grants for the 1600 block of Pratt St., 1100 W.
Baltimore, 1200 Hollins and 400 S. Callhoun projects. Diana asked if there might be other grant
opportunities available for our projects.
Property rights handbook: distribution of BNI pamphlet. Jarret brought up the Right to Housing Alliance
Baltimore organization and suggested they may be a good partner for producing our booklet.
La Cite Update: 12/20/16 projected closing date. No information available about intended financing
structure. 2/16/17 is deadline to produce funding for project. Can/should the committee draft a letter
stating dissatisfaction over the lack of progress? Jamie stated that Poppleton organization should
originate the letter to be endorsed by this committee. Poppleton Now group has met multiple times to
date to craft a response to the current status. Jon B. questioned; “what is the intended outcome of this
letter?” It should be actionable and intended to elicit a written response. Could/should speak to loss
created by the condition of the neighborhood to business and property value. Question: is the rest of
the project still viable given the change in the market over the last 15 years? Jamie suggested meeting
with the Community Law Center (CLC) to discuss the viability of legal action to this point. George K.
stated he thought he could arrange this meeting with CLC. Diversified Realty Advisors was identified by
Suzanne W. as the development partner for this project. They are already claiming this project as
“under development” on their website.
Housing Trust Fund Concept: Michael received a call from United Workers who requested the
opportunity to discuss a 20 million dollar bond request (over the next 5 years) for community centered
housing projects. Michael will respond that the committee is willing to have this discussion in early
Old business: Diana inquired about the process for electing leadership for the housing committee.
Clarification that a voting member must have attended a minimum of 3 meetings in the preceding
calendar year. The only formal position being elected is the chair of each SWP committee, for which
Jamie expressed he would be happy to serve for one more year. Jarret was identified as the informal
Secretary of the Committee. Question of whether the committee should identify its own internal
structure included the suggestion of vice chair. Jan 12 th will be the date for the elections where ballads
will be cast. Voters must be present to vote.

New business: It was stated that there have been stabilization/demolition projects happening around
the neighborhoods (Hollins St.).

Jamie reminded the group about the city’s recent enforcement of storm water being discharged across
sidewalks (must be connected to underground drain).
JR commended the Hollins House project. There is intent to host a Housing Committee meeting there
after opening in April.
Dottie raised the issue of street lamps being out in her neighborhood since Crown Castle installed
equipment on the light posts. Jamie advised that this presented a safety issue and that 311 could be
Jamie advised the group to call 911 if they witness a house they know to be vacant with open doors. As
winter approaches, the likelihood of this scenario increases.

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